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Woman Stunned After Finding 99

Jun 13, 2023

While browsing at her local thrift store in Iowa, a customer was stunned to stumble on a rather unusual item that dated back to when Calvin Coolidge was U.S. president.

Taylor was shopping at the store when she was stunned to find the 99-year-old biscuit that had been baked in 1924.

"I found it while browsing around a local thrift store. It was just sitting on a shelf with the note," Taylor told Newsweek.

In a cardboard box, a small biscuit was placed with a handwritten note that read: "Perry Atkins made this biscuit in March of 1924 when Pauline Shannon was born."

Taylor was stunned to stumble on the old food item and said: "When I first picked up the box, I figured it was some kind of rock or fossil. Then I read the note and was quite surprised to find out it was 99-year-old food."

After taking a picture of the biscuit in the thrift store, she shared the discovery on Reddit's r/mildlyinteresting subreddit where interested parties started looking into the origin of the old sweet treat.

"It belongs in a museum," said one commenter on the social network site.

Another Redditor managed to track down the individuals likely involved in baking the biscuit and writing the note.

Perry Shannon (Atkins) was born in 1922 in Iowa and would have been two years old at the time. While Pauline Shannon was born in Iowa in 1924.

"So likely not baked by Perry (he was 2), but probably a nice thing done by Mom," said the Redditor alexcass91.

The Redditor also wrote that they had discovered Perry himself died in 1947, aged 25, after a short illness. He also served in the U.S. Navy in World War II.

Despite the odd nature of the find, Taylor didn't purchase the almost centenarian biscuit.

"I did not buy it, but now I feel like I should have! It had no smell and no mold," she said.

Other Redditors also reacted to the unusual biscuit find. One commenter joked: "Looks a bit dry for my liking," while another wrote: "You're going to want to dunk this in coffee first."

"My grandma would probably say that's edible," said another comment. While one simply wrote: "It's probably stale. Better toss it."

Earlier this month, another thrift-store regular shared how she found genuine Picasso ceramics in her local thrift store for just $6 before selling them for thousands. Meanwhile an earlier thrift store find was dubbed the "most depressing" after one shopper stumbled on the item.