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Sizzling cheese prices won't help dairy farmer incomes

Sep 19, 2023

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Local Apple watcher Sarb Johal joins to talk about Apple's Vision Pro and other news.

The bank is the latest to call time on the housing correction.

A2 does have a vested interest in ensuring a healthy Synlait.

Resilience in NZ healthcare urged.

Take climate action - or lose customers, says Kiwibank.

A2 does have a vested interest in ensuring a healthy Synlait.

The consents received a stiff backlash from opponents.

There are no plans to change the 2025 backstop of bringing agriculture into the ETS.

The ANZ World Commodity Price Index gained 0.3% in May. Dairy prices lifted, but prices for meat, export logs and aluminium fell.In local currency terms, the index gained 0.7% month-on-month, supported by a 0.4% easing of the New Zealand dollar against the US dollar.On an annual...

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